Nude, semi-nude, and non-nude pictures of models that I have photographed over the past 10 years. Included are some babes, a couple BBWs, but mostly average girls who agreed to pose nude for me.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
SmilesSmiles was my first subject. She wasn't what you'd call a babe. She was an ordinary girl I met at a bar and asked if she'd like to pose. Of course her first question was, "Do you want me to pose naked?". I hesitated, thinking that she was about to back out. When I said yes, she was fine with that, but insisted that her sister come along (I guess she thought I was a stalker...or worse). And to tell the truth, it's far easier to ask a woman to bed than asking her to pose nude.
The next problem was what I was the camera I was working with. It was a fixed-lense camera you buy for $30 or less. So, the quality wasn't all that great. In fact it was lousy. But, I had my first conquest. And, my apologies to Smiles and her sister, but here they are. Click the images to see the full-size pics....if you dare.
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