Valleri-Tattooed Ex-Marine
I met Valleri at a stripclub in my hometown (not Nashville), and she almost didn't pose for me. This was her first night as a stripper, having been drummed out of the Marine Corp a few months earlier due to a hip injury. We sat and talked, and she was very nervous. She wasn't so sure about nude modeling, but we talked about it, and I tried to calm her fears about it.
As the night progressed she got more and more tipsy and braver on stage, and I knew she was finally getting comfortable with the idea.
Finally, as she finished her last set, I was about the leave, and one of the other girls tapped me on the shoulder, and said, "Don't leave yet, Valleri wants to talk to you." So I stuck around and Valleri comes running up, out of breath from her stage act, and says, "I'll do it! I'll pose."
I had rented a suite at the local Holiday Inn, so we went back to it, and she almost got cold feet again.
"I'm not to sure about this, I mean, I've never posed nude before." she almost stammered.
"It's no big deal", I reassured her. "Just do the same thing here as you did on stage. Turn on the TV on MTV or VH-1, or whatever you want and just relax".
A little while later, after a couple of drinks, she finally settled down and did some very nervous poses. I apologize for the ugly purple couch. I had forgotten the sheet I usually used to cover up ugly upholstery.

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