Mandy was Liz co-worker and the one that came along for Liz's "Public Picnic". She has a beautiful face, and was very photogenic for portraits. But when it came to nudes, she had a problem...stretch marks! She didn't have the money for cosmetic surgery, and the creams they have nowadays hadn't come along, so she did her best to cover them up.
After the shoot with Liz, we all headed to the bar in the hotel where I was staying. After a lengthy conversation about her "problem", I said I'd try to do some "computer wizardry" and airbrush the marks out, having not seen them before.
So up we went to the hotel room, and Mandy stripped down to her bikini bottoms and started posing. As the camera clicked more and more, she got more and more comfortable, until, still wearing those bikini bottoms, she was showing almost everything she had. Like I said at the top, she had a face like an angel. Hope you like these first pictures.

After the first roll was done, Liz was again thirsty, and a little drunk to boot. So she asked if she could order another drink from the bar. I agreed, as long as she got me one, and Mandy said she wanted a beer.
"You gonna pose with it?" I asked with an evil grin on my face.
Now we all either seen or heard of the pictures of nude girls "playing" with a beer bottle and that image was stuck in my head as we talked.
"Sure!" was Mandy's answer.
As I was putting film in the camera for the next set, the bellhop came to the door with the drinks, and Liz answered the door. What he saw was Liz, in the flimsy sheer robe she was wearing during the "Picnic" shoot, and untied.
She took the drinks from him, and closed the door rather nonchalantly. I then pointed out to her that her robe was see-thru and open. She looked down, and looked back up rather sheepishly, but unashamedly she said, "So THAT's why he didn't ask for a tip." I told you she had an exhibitionist side to her!
Anyway we all got our drinks, and I told Mandy that there weren't any "drink breaks" and she had to pose with the beer bottle. She had no problem with that, but although they were a little, and I mean a very little, on the risque side, it wasn't what my "evil mind" had planned.

The shoot was scheduled for 5 rools, so we were just about half finished, but, as you can tell by these next set of pictures, something was distracting Mandy. It was Liz. Mandy was bisexual and Liz knew it, and she kept flashing her robe open to distract Mandy. Well, I'll show you the pictures, then tell you what happend next....

Now, don't get mad. I know I promised to tell you what happend at the half-way point of Mandy's shoot. But, honestly, it deserves a blog entry of it's own and this one's getting pretty long, so, with your permission...or without's my blog :)....I'll continue this story with the next entry.
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