Sorry For The Problems....
If you've been a regular visitor to "UnOrdinary Girls" the past couple of days, you've probably noticed a bit of a problem. My image host, has been going through some cashflow problems, and suddenly decided, without notifying anyone in advance, that the thumbnail previews for the pictures hosted on imagecash would be eliminated. This really through things in a tizzy for me, as my blog was FULL of them. As you can see, that is as of today, they're back, although I don't know for how long.
If I could ask everyone for a bit of a favor. The full-size pictures you see when you click the thumbnails are on, my image host. If you would, click one of his advertisers and join if you wish. That would help alleviate the problem significantly.
Thank you for listening to my rant, and now back to the girls.......
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