Katie's Christmas Fiasco
These aren't my best pictures, but the story's a cute one, and I think we need a break from the really explicit pix, so here go. If you want the more explicit stories (and pictures) let me know
After my first year as a photographer, I had a few models, so decided to have a Christmas party. I encouraged all models to bring another model to th party. Sky was the only one who brought another model. We decided to give her the stage name of Katie.
Katie wasn't what I liked in a model, but Sky was one of my favorites, so I agreed to give Katie a tryout shoot, but told her it would have to be completely nude, as I had begun to do with all my new models.
Well, I had brought a few bottles of liquor and and ordered a couple of pizzas.
As the night wore on, everyone got a little silly, and I thought that Sky was looking after her guest, Katie. Oops! Sky was having so much fun (she was the biggest drinker in the crowd) that she wasn't paying attention to Katie, and after finding out that she was going to have to do her shoot completely nude I guess freaked her out. When we finally were ready to do her shoot, she was completely drunk. I don't mean just a little, she was flat out smashed.
Katie was a cute girl, but definitely not what I had in mind as a model. She didn't any boobs, and she was skinny as a rail. Not my type, but I was apparently her type. She came on to me several times as the night progressed. I had a policy of not getting too familiar with my models which had served me well, and since she wasn't my type anyway, it wasn't hard to continue it.
I suggested to Sky that we postpone Katie's shoot until she was a little more sober, but Sky said Katie needed the money that night, and she'd fix her up. I agreed, and Sky started to do Katie's makeup.
Well, Sky called me into the room and Katie looked really cute. But, she said she wanted to use the bathroom before the shoot, I'm not one to keep a model from doing her "business" so told her to go ahead. A minute or so later, we her a loud "thud" from the bathroom. Knowing Katie was drunk, Sky ran in and then I heard her laughing.
As Sky walked out, she was helping Katie out, a little bit desheveled, but okay. Sky was laughing almost uncontrollably. I asked Sky what she was laughing about. She said, when she went into the bathroom, she found Katie sprawled out in the bathtub. It seems like Katie had tried to get cold feet about the shoot, and was sitting on the bathtub side when she lost her balance and fell into the tub!
As I said, these aren't my best pictures, but Katie wasn't my best model. Her dark tan made getting the lighting right a major problem, but not as big a problem as Katie's stupor. These are Katie's pictures. Notice how hard it is for her to even hold her head up.

I never saw Katie again. I asked Sky about her, and she said she was too embarassed to come back. It was definitely something to remember.
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