Liz's Notre Dame Salute
It was getting cool, but Liz wanted to do one last shoot outside, so I agreed to do it one last time.
We got to our favorite spot, the same spot, where Liz had done her "Picnic Shoot" (see earlier blog entry). She told me to turn my back and wait, and so I complied.
Liz told me to turn back, and when I did there was Liz with a Notre Dame jacket. That wasn't all. She was bottomless.
"Where did you get that?", I asked.
"I borrowed it from my boyfriend", she answered, "isn't it cute".
I had to admit it was cute, and showed off Liz's ample butt. These pics are probably my best outdoor pix, and you'll enjoy how much Liz enjoyed showing off.

After these pictures, Liz looked around and then jumped up. She went over to a less-manicured area and grabbed a long, thin blade of a weed. Then she lied down and played around a bit. They were good. I think you'll agree.

After playing a little bit, Liz did a few more poses, showing off her butt.

We were about to finish, and Liz was still a little frisky, so she said, "Let me see if I can find a good way to finish this." I wasn't sure what she had in mind, but she ran to the same area where she found her little weed and grabbed a couple handfull. Then she came back and gave me this final pose. It's definitely a classic. Even if you haven't clicked any of these other pictures for the full-sized image, you need to do it for this one. I just love it.

I'll try to do another one of Liz's bedroom sets in my next blog entry. See you later.
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