Sky's Black Leather Jacket Shoot

Not long after Sky and I started working together, she came in for a shoot with a big smile on her face, and the most beautiful black leather jacket on her.
"Where did you get that jacket,?", I asked, "It's absolutely stunning."
Sky looked at me, hesitated for a moment, then with a sly smile said, "Well, let's just say I traded for it."
Now, you have to remember what business Sky was in. She was an exotic dancer, what most people call "a stripper". But in Sky's case "exotic dancer" fit her better. Sky was actually a trained ballet dancer, and, to top is off, was double-joined in most joints, including her back. That made for some most unusual poses to say the least. More on those in a later entry.
I almost didn't ask the next question, afraid of what kind of answer I'd get. "And what did you trade for the jacket?".
"It's sort of a long story," she began, "but the short version is that this biker guy came into the club and sort of had a fancy for me."
"Sky," I said sort of disappointedly, "you didn't....."
"Would you let me finish?", she blurted out, rather indignantly. "As I was saying, this biker guy had a fancy for me, and when I told him what a lap dance was gonna cost him, he said he only had a few bucks on him, but what could he get for his leather jacket. So I gave him lap dances all night least when I didn't have any cash-paying customers, and he gave me the jacket."
"Well, it looks nice on you," I complimented her, "you wanna do a shoot with it?".
"Why did you think I brought it?", she answered. "Plus, I got a little something extra to add to it to make it even better."
She went into the bathroom and got herself fixed up, and when she came out, all she was wearing was the leather jacket and this little bowtie. "How do I look?", she asked, knowing exactly that she looked like a million bucks.
"Is that all you want to wear?" I asked. Since alm0st all of our shoots included bra & panty sets, this was something different.
"This is it," she said, matter-of-factly.
So this was her shoot for that night. It was the only set she did, so I've got almost 100 pictures from that shoot. Here's the first part. I sorta got my lightning off just a little, but these are still some of Sky's best, thanks in a large part to that jacket.

She did have a little trouble getting the thing undone, since it had both zipper, snap, and a tie if you fastened all the clasps.

After showing off the jacket, it was time to show of Sky. When she opened it, she went, "Ta-daa", and gave me that silly smile you see in the second picture below. Little did I know I was in for a lot of those silly smiles in the months to come.

Now I had her down to just her bowtie. There were lots more pics, and a lot of great poses still to come. More tomorrow.

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