Sky Shows It All On The Couch
You could never call Sky a shy girl. She was loud, determined, could definitely be cute at times, sexy, but you wouldn't call her shy.
One afternoon, I got a suite at a local hotel so that I could do a few shoots from different-looking locations. And I have invitted Sky in to do a shoot.
Unfortunately, I didn't tell her that she was going to have to strip from her street clothes. She thought she'd be able to slip into one of her cute little outfits. OOPS!
You can see what she wore for yourself, but when I told her that the pictures were gonna start with what she had on, well, she threw a fit. "You didn't tell me that I was going to strip out of my street clothes!" she shouted.
Other than that "little" gaff, this photo set was one of her best, and one of the first sets that she showd "pink". I think you're gonna like this set. First check out the street clothes.

The she got comfy.

"Okay," I told her, "enough of the front side, let's see some of the backside". She's got a nice tush, don't you think?

Then we finished up with some her first pink shots. You also get a good look at her, what was then relatively new, tattoo. Her pernchant for tattoos would become a problem in the months to come.

Hope you enjoyed this little "up close and personal" look at Sky. There 's lots more to come, so, as they say on tv "stay tuned". More tomorrow.

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