Ginger's Shoot Shower

Ginger's Shower & Bath
Okay, sorry for the delay for this update, but I promise to have a new set of pictures every day this week, so be sure to check back.
Now, back to Ginger. As I said before, Ginger was my lure to get some other prospective models, specifically, Liz and Sky. Ginger was cute, but a bit chubby, but I needed somebody to assure Liz & Sky that I was legit.
After her regular shoot, which you saw in my last blog, it was time for Ginger's shower and bath. So, I told her to do what I was going to tell all the other models, and that was just to practically ignore me and just get a nice shower and bath. Ginger looked surprised that this last part would be so easy. I told her to make sure to tell Liz and Sky how easy it was.
Now, you can enjoy Ginger's shower and bath pics. Remember, she's cute, but a bit on the chubby side. And I wasn't going to get too explicit with Ginger. I didn't even know if I was going to even use them. So I just enjoyed watching her have fun.

Then there were the butt shots.

That last pic was my favorite, as I've said before, I'm a fan of women's asses. Ginger definitely had a nice one.
Then came the bath. I did have one problem. Ginger was big enough, and the bathtub small enough, that I couldn't get Ginger in more than a couple of different positions. But then, I really didn't care.

After the bath pics, I told Ginger to just get out and dry off, then walk out.
"Is that all?" she asked.
"That's it," I told her. Now, I've got a job for you. "
"What?", she asked, a hint of skiepticism in her voice. Remember, she thought I was a pimp (wasn't that a joke....a wheelchair bound pimp.!!!l).
"I need you to convince Liz to do a shoot.," I explained. "And I'll pay you a finder's fee to boot, no posing neccessary."
"I'll try," Ginger assured me, "but you're probably gonna hafta get her drunk."
"You come with her and I'll supply the booze." I finished.

That was all it took. A 4-year photography relationship with Liz, all from a 1 hour shoot with Ginger as my lure. Now you know one of my tricks of the trade.
Tomorrow is a bit of a flashback. I've found a few more of the original pictures of Sebastian, one of my first strippers, and my only Aussie. And I rescanned the old ones with a brand-new HP scanner.
See you tomorrow.

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