Sky's Comfy Couch
As you already know, Sky was an "exotic dancer" i.e. a stripper. And while she looked like your normal everyday "girl next door", she could also look very classy. This was one of those times.
We had a shoot planned at the local Holiday Inn, and Sky came in telling me she had a new outfit she'd "traded" another girl for. And she'd also gotten her hair cut. It looked real cute, although I'm more of a long-hair kinda guy.
Once she got all changed, she came out of the bathroom and all I could say was "WOW. This cute pink outfit had a little frilly choker, and as you will notice had gotten a new tatoo. More about the tattoo in other blog entry
Now, I don't care that much for purple upholstery, and the only other covering I had was black, but with her outfit, I just let Sky pick out her own location. She picked out the purple chair and just cozied up in it.
Anyway, there's no much more I can say, so I'll just show you the pictures from the shoot. Make sure you click on the pictures to see the bigger pictures.