Sebastian Revisited

A New Look At Sebastian
Ironically, Sebastian was the very first blog entry that I ever did. It's not often we get to correct out mistakes, and while I looked back at that entry and there wasn't anything wrong with it, in the meantime, I found some original pictures of Sebastian. And with a new scanner, the color was magnificent. So, I don't think it'll hurt to revisit this. Just forget you ever saw my first post (you DID see it, didn't you?).
Sebastian was a really cute Aussie I met at a strip bar. Other than her cute face, curvaceous body, and perky breasts, there was nothing special about her. And yes, I was being very sarcastic.
Well, after a few drinks at the bar, I asked the bartesnder if he knew if Sebastian would pose for me. I had a new camera, and was really anxious to try it out. The bartender didn't give me an answer, but he did send Sebastian over to talk.
I'm going to be honest in that I"m a sucker for Aussie, Scottish and Irish brogues. Especially when there's a cute girl involved. And Sebastian was cute. We talked off and on all night, and when closing time came around, she'd already agreed to pose.
We went back to my hotel room, with Sebastian in jeans and a shirt and a little baseball cap. And, since I've been honest up to this point, I'm gonna contess that I wasn't paying any attention to Sebastian's hair. The thought of getting that cute little body naked and in front of my camera was the only thing I was paying attention to. OOPS!!!!
Anyway, we started with her in her white panties, just to get her used to the camera and lights.

I told you those were perky tits.
Anyway, after a few other shots, I suggested she drop the panties and hop up and stand up on the bed. These were nice, but in looking back I'm wondering why I did ask her to spread her legs when she was standing on the bed. Oh well.

She did have a cute butt didn't she?
Well, I hadn't been working with models too long then, so it took me a while to get Sebastian to spread her legs. In the meantime, I let her do some "cutesy" poses.

She knew I was going to ask her to do the erotic poses, but before I could she blurted out, "You know I used to be a cheerleader."
"Can you do the splits?" I asked.
She did the usual view of the splits, then a rather unique angle. (Evil grin)

"Okay," I finally said, "it's time to show the kitty"
"Yea, I know," Sebastian sighed.
And she did a good job. I just wish I'd been a better photographer. But I wasn't too bad, I think you'll like these final pics.

But I did get a few good closeups. You guys'll like these.

That's it for the Sebastian pics. I haven't figured out exactly what I'll do for the next blog entry, but I think you'll like it. That sounded stupid. Anyway, see you next time.