Liz's Not-So Private Picnic
Late on afternoon, Liz and I had scheduled an outdoor shoot at a local state park. It had separate little places where people could have a semi-seculded family picnic. Well, this wasn't exactly a picnic, but it was Liz's first outdoor shoot, so I guess it qualifies as a picnic.
As soon as we drove up, Liz pulled in behind me, but she wasn't alone. She had brought a friend from work named Mandy. You'll see more of Mandy later, I think your gonna like her. In fact, you'll get a few glimpses of Mandy in these pictures because she seated herself right behind Liz. Anyway, Liz & Mandy inform me that they've already downed a 12-pack of beer prior to the shoot. And Liz has a problem. She was trying to change her hair color from brunette to blonde and wound up with red. And not a real red, this was almost orange. She was almost in tears, afraid that I'd cancel the shoot because one of my requests were that she not change her appearance in any way withoout telling me first. But, impulses are impulses and not only had she gotten a different hair color, she'd gotten a tatoo. And not a small tattoo, mind you, but a big, bold heart with a little devil on it and her boyfriend's name inside. And where did she have that tattoo put? Right on her right boob. So, I gave her a mean look, then smiled and said, it'd be okay. Little did I know, that this shoot would be a shoot to remember.
Anyway, back to the shoot. Liz was dressed in a cute little yellow top and some "Daisy Duke" shorts, absolutely perfect for what we had planned. Anway I got set up and Liz started posing. And I think we were well on our way to a rather good shoot. See if you don't agree and then I'll finish this little story.

She was working like a trooper when we heard a lawn mower in the background, and the noise from it started to get louder, and louder, and
louder. Mandy turned around and said that, sure enough, the maintenance guy for the park was mowing and he was headed our direction. I actually caught Liz's first look, albeit a quick one.

She asked me, in no uncertain terms, to hurry up and get some pictures before he got to where we were, because it was obvious that this guy was gonna do all around the edges of where we were, so we got a few more shots.

As the maintenance guy got close, Liz told Mandy to run to the car and get her sheer robe she'd brought with her. She put it on and ran to the inner part of the little pavillion we were in and said she was ready to do some more shots, as the maintenance guy weaved around just out of sight. These were
really dark but with a little help from
Paint Shop Pro I was able to get a few fairly decent shots.

Liz was getting a little nervous so she ran and pasted herself against the brick wall of the pavillion and I got one of the best portraits of her.

Kinda nice, don't'cha think? Anway she thought he had gone by and got down on the concrete floor and posed a little more. The last shot was as the maintenance guy rode right by.

Then I discovered the "real" Liz she grabbed the blue sheet we'd been using to cover the table (so Liz wouldn't get splinters in her booty) and posted herself right up against one of the posts, jso that only the camera go a complete nude view. I thought that was rather clever. Her exhibitionist side shone right through...little did I know I'd see even more of that side later, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's her "semi-exhibition".

After those shots, she said she showed off enough (I think I agreed) and we headed back to the hotel where I was gonna do a shoot with Mandy. That's next.