Sky Goes Glamour
Okay, settle down. First, I'm sorry I missed yesterday's update. It couldn't be helped. Second, Sky didn't quit nude modeling. This was just her attempt at it, and my attempt to photograph it. Both failed, mine more than hers.
You see, she came in one day with this cute little sailor suit. A cute halter top and short shorts, all a brilliant navy blue. And she'd gotten her hair cut. I wasn't thrilled with the cut, plus I'd told all the girl that they should let me know before making major changes in their appearances, whether that be hair, piercings, and especially tattoos. They never listened anyway.
Anyway, Sky suggested we do a set fully clothed, and see what it looked like. Well, everything that could go wrong with a photo set did. First, she was too tired to model and her eyes kept closing. Second, I could never get the f/stops on the camera and the lights to match up twice, so sometimes Sky looked like she had a tan, and sometimes she looked like she normally did, and that was pretty pale (but normally she made up for that with makeup).
Anyway, there's not much to be said about these, so just take a look.

The first three weren't too bad. Then the problems started.

By the way, while you look at these, if anybody tells you making a picture of a girl lying head down isn't hard as hell to shoot, hit them for me. Thanks.

And I was determined to get one of those head-down shots to work. The last one wasn't too bad.

And to top it off, when she finally saw the finished pics, Sky bitched that her butt looked too big. So, from then on, it was back to doing nudes. You'lll enjoy them more than you have these, and I can assure you I had more fun doing them than I did these. Sheesh